A church for everyone
in the Cal Young Neighborhood.
(Yes, that means everyone.)
You are not only welcome - but loved, affirmed, and included in all ways in the life of the church.
We are becoming more and more the people we believe God has called us to be, by listening, learning, and committing ourselves to the work of reconciliation in a world that is suffering from brokenness.
Our mission is to Seek God, Celebrate Community, and Serve the World as a bold body of believers in Jesus Christ.
Learn More…
Seek God.
Together we open ourselves to real connection with God, who loves us, empowers us, heals us, and sends us out to transform the world through the power of God’s love and justice. We seek God with all of our hearts, and find God in our seeking together - in worship, and outside the walls of the church. We seek God and find God in surprising ways and places!
Celebrate Community.
We are committed to celebrating both the community of our local church, and the larger community in which we are found. From small groups of friends, to huge block parties, to patio nights and prayer - we share life in our connections with one another and we celebrate with gratitude all the love we can give - across the pew, across the aisle, and across the neighborhood!
Serve the World.
We are committed to making the world a better place, starting with our own neighborhood and moving beyond. We partner with our neighborhood schools, the VA, and local non-profits including Huerto de la Familia, St. Vincent de Paul, FISH, and many other community-based groups. We are also delighted to partner with our friends at African Road. With love turned into action, we work to create a more just, equitable, and beautiful world.
Our Staff
Lead Pastor: Rev. Nicole Berry revnicole.berry@gmail.com
Director of Music & Worship Arts: Jean Arnett
Children and Family Minister: Rachel Parr
Facilities Caretaker: Brian McGuire
Live Streaming & Video Production Technician: Ashe Bloomer
Administrative Assistant: Kendyl Seiber
Communications Assistant: Caroline Langston
What to Expect
We gather for worship at 10:00 on Sunday mornings. Dress however you like. Our worship is a mixture of musical styles, from organ to band, and includes traditional and current elements of liturgy and engagement. Kids are always welcome in the sanctuary. We also offer Sunday School. After service, we enjoy tea and coffee in the fellowship hall.
Reconciling Ministries Network
Wesley is a proud member of the Reconciling Ministries Network! We believe in the full inclusion of persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life and ministry of the church.